URC1635: How can I reprogram Channel Macros on the SKY Q Replacement Remote?

It is possible to reprogram the macros sent by the coloured keys. This feature can be used if the channel numbers have changed. It is also possible to program multiple macros on a single key, so each time the key is pressed, a different channel in the genre will be selected.

Say for example, the first 3 Sports channels are on channels 200, 221 and 239, it is possible assign shortcuts to these channels on the Green (Sports) key. To do this:
  1. Hold down the Green and the STB Power key until the red LED blinks twice*
  2. Enter the first channel number using the digits (i.e. 200).
  3. Press and release the Green key.
  4. Enter the next channel number (in this example 221).
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each channel shortcut you want to add.
  6. After entering the last channel number you want, press and hold the Green key.
  7. The red LED will blink twice and the shortcuts are now programmed.
* If a TV and/or Audio Device has been set up, make sure to press the Green key slightly before the Power key or the Power macro will be activated instead.

When watching live TV on Sky, you can simply hold down the Green key for 3 seconds, and the first Channel Shortcut will be sent (in this example channel 200). The next time you hold down the Green Key, the shortcut for the next Channel Shortcut will be sent (in this case channel 221). The macros loop, so once the last one programmed has been sent, the first programmed one will be sent when the key is next held down.

Each of the different colour keys can be programmed with different lists of channel numbers, by holding down the Power and a different coloured key at step 1, and pressing and releasing the same key at step 3. Up to 10 different channel numbers can be programmed per key, so in total 40 macros can be stored.

The macros can actually consist of keys other than digits, but this is not communicated to the user. The only keys that cannot be included in the macros are the coloured keys, as they are used to separate macros during programming.

The macro can only consist of 5 keys. Attempting to program a sixth will give a long blink and exit the programming process without storing the macro.

To reset the coloured key to default, the procedure is as follows:
  1. Hold down the STB Power and the key to reset (for example the Green key) until the red LED blinks twice.
  2. Press and release the key to reset (for example the Green key).
  3. Hold down the same key (e.g. Green) until the red light blinks twice.
The key has now been reset.